Scout: A Memoir of Investigative Journalist Michael C. Ruppert 

with Against the Dying of the Light

On April 13, 2014, investigative journalist and subject of Chris Smith's 2009 documentary, Collapse, Michael C. Ruppert, committed suicide. Ruppert was best known for his explosive revelations concerning the US government's involvement in drug-dealing, later corroborated in the film Kill the Messenger; as well as evidence he uncovered of insider trading and war games surrounding the attacks of 9/11. Scout describes his bouts of suicidal ideation following the smashing of all seven computers at the website he founded,, as well as his troubled childhood, to reveal a complex and fascinating man.

Jenna Orkin is a writer and journalist whose short documentary, EnGaged: Carolyn Gage On Stage and Off, has received a Top Indie Film as well as an LA Shorts Film award. One of the first to question the US Environmental Protection Agency's assertions that the air in Lower Manhattan following the 9/11 attacks was safe to breathe, she went on to co-found the World Trade Center Environmental Organization as well as other Lower Manhattan activist organizations that revealed and testified to the government's lies.

Readers' Testimonials

This gets more interesting with each post. 
                                                                   Larry Guinn

Please keep up these posts.  They're great.
                                                                   Andrew Schrader

Ruppert was a walking train wreck... and apparently so are the rest of you.


  1. Can you please post the status of ricefarmer and why he is offline? Thanx!


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